Friday, June 18, 2010

I am officially a Registered Nurse.  My authorization to test finally came last Friday and there were NCLEX openings on Monday or after July 1st.  I chose to get it over with.  Among celebrating our first anniversary with a fancy riverboat dinner and eating the cake on Sunday, I managed to do about 600 more practice questions.  Landes drove me to San Francisco and after finally finding a place to park, I went to take the NCLEX.  I was in the testing center for approximately 40 minutes and had answered 75 questions when the computer turned off.  I spent 5 years of my life studying for this exam and it was over in 30 minutes.  After the test, we walked around town for awhile and went to dinner with Landes' childhood friend. We went to Tadich Grill and ordered elegant seafood...delicious.  On the way home, we visited the family in Fairfield for some card games.  I spent the rest of the week applying for jobs in Woodland, Davis, Sacramento, and Vacaville.  People are rather reluctant to hire new graduates so wish me luck getting past that.  This morning I awoke to my name on the licensed registered nurse registry.  We spent the day celebrating with walks, a picnic, and going out to dinner.

Saturday, June 12, 2010